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5 Programs That Will Help You To Quickly Learn Spanish At Home

If you are busy with work and still want to learn a new language, one of the best choices are professional software tools like Rosetta Stone, but there are many alternatives

Learning a new language, Spanish specifically, can be made much easier with the right language learning software. There are many programs out there claiming to help users learn Spanish quickly and proficiently, and it can be difficult to know which software is the most effective. Take a look at the pros and cons of the top Spanish language learning software programs below.

1 Tell Me More Spanish

For $209, Tell Me More Spanish has one of the most advanced sets of features among any other Spanish language learning software program. This software can be used for both beginners and those more advanced with Spanish. Tell Me More contains lessons, workshops, vocabulary, grammar, and culture studies. The speech recognition technology within this program is impressive, including animations of how lips should look when making certain sounds. The extensive features set, however, can make navigating this program a bit harder than competitors’ products.

2 Fluenz Spanish

The Fluenz Spanish language software, retailing at $228, creates a unique and proficient one-on-one learning environment for users. Fluenz offers many different starting levels and provides positive feedback rather than focusing on incorrect answers. This software covers all the fundamentals, like vocabulary, grammar, and tenses, and has great speech recognition software. Fluenz does lack additional online features and has less word tools and translation features than other programs.

3 Spanish Complete Edition

Spanish Complete Edition language learning software is one of the top brands that can be found for $180. This program offers a large variety of learning tools to help beginners learn the basics of the Spanish language while refreshing more advanced users. This language software also has useful learning tools, like flashcards, interactive books, and progress tracking. The complete edition is not as easy to use as other programs, because it comes with two different applications.

4 Rosetta Stone Spanish

Rosetta Stone is one of the top names in language learning and their Spanish software for $199 is no exception. This software gradually helps users learn the language and is very simple to use. They also provide a mobile app to help users continue learning while on the go. Their online tools are also exceptionally helpful. Despite their perks, Rosetta Stone’s teaching tools are less advanced than its competitors’ and its lacking word tools such as dictionaries and translators.

5 Instant Immersion Spanish Level 1

This easy to use language software retails at only $30 and covers all of the language basics and fundamentals. Their speech recognition software is very unique and actually measures a user’s pronunciation of key sounds and words. The software also allows users to start on different levels and move up as they advance. Despite its great price, this software does not provide much in the way of online support and they’re also missing specific word tools.

These top Spanish language learning software programs can help anyone with or without knowledge of the language become fluent in Spanish. Each program has its own benefits and shortcomings, but can effectively assist users in their language learning endeavors.