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How to Remove Orbit Downloader from Chrome

If you are wondering how to remove Orbit downloader from Google Chrome, here’s a short how-to guide.

Removing Orbit Downloader

0. Close Google Chrome
1. Step Open Windows Explorer via Windows key + E
2. Step Browse to the folder C:\Users\[INSERTUSERNAMEHERE]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\Plugins, e.g. C:\Users\sOliver\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\Plugins
3. Step You are now in the Google Chrome plugin folder.
4. Step Delete the DLL file nporbit.dll

5. Step Ggo to C:\Users\[yourusername]\AppData\Roaming\Orbit and delete the entire folder
6. Step Restart Chrome and Orbit Downloader should now be removed.
7. Step Make sure that you actually uninstalled OrbitDownloader and that you removed the Orbit program folder in C:\Program Files\

If you are unable to download the Orbit downloader DLL file, make sure you have permission to do so. Do you still have problems with removing Orbit Downloader? Post a comment below. Also, if there are any other Chrome extensions that are bugging you, let us know.