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AquaSnap: Advanced AeroSnap for Multiple Monitors

AeroSnap doesn’t support multiple monitors and you can’t snap windows to fit a quarter of your screen. AquaSnap is improving the Windows 7 feature and makes it more flexible and customizable. Two other features that are included: AquaShake and AquaGlass that will make  windows transparent and make them stay on top.

AquaSnap – Flexible, Customizable Image Snapping

AeroSnap does not allow you to drag windows into the corner or to the bottom of your screen, but AquaSnap does. It will also display an icon when you’re about to snap a window and even supports multiple monitors. So, if you want to want to split your screen via AeroSnap, AquaSnap will make it possible.

Recommended: By default, AquaSnap will maximize a window that is dragged to the top to fit half of your screen. You can customize this behaviour.

AquaShake – Keep windows always on top

AquaShake is another built-in feature of the tool. It works similar to AeroShake, but will always keep the windows on top of all other windows, instead of minimizing all windows. Shake the window again to undo the effect. Additionally, it allows you to customize the shake detection sensitivity.

Recommended: It is recommended to change the default opacity, or you will not see much when the window is always on top.

AquaGlass – Make window transparent whenever you move it

AquaGlass, the third feature makes windows transparent when you’re moving them, so that you can see what’s behind them. Handy!

Download AquaSnap

You can grab the free utility from They are also developing a utility for remote deletion of sensible data on your PDA, cell phone or iPad.