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Auto-download Wallpapers and Images for Windows 7

Would you like to auto-download hundreds of wallpapers with one click? A free tool called MediaSpider will crawl through thousands of Google, DeviantArt and 4Chan pages to find and download wallpapers for you.

The tools is pretty simple: You can enter a string what you want to search for and define a size for Google pictures. For finding things faster on DeviantArt you can enter a username and password. After entering your search string, MediaSpider will start searching for images:

Tip: To download more wallpapers add the keyword “Wallpaper” to the search string.

Obviously, it’s still a beta. To download only large images from Google you have to increase the image dimensions or it will download tons of small pictures.

After playing around with the tool for a while you know how to search properly and you will quickly find some high-quality wallpapers for Windows 7 that you wouldn’t have found so easily:

Download MediaSpider

You can also use this for school projects and quickly download maps, blue prints, graphics, presentations and anything else you can find via Google Image search. This could also be very useful for journalists and other jobs that involve research. Definitely a great idea!

Download MediaSpider for free here or at SourceForge