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How to change object name in Windows 7

If you want to change a name of a random object in Windows 7 read this tutorial by Vivek N. (guest post)

An object in Windows 7 can be anything starting from a shortcut to an application or a file to the volume of hard disk drive. With a virtual CD/DVD ROM drive is created during the installation of any application, that virtual CD/DVD-ROM drive is also called an object on that particular computer. When any object is created in Windows 7, Windows 7 gives the object a default name according to its nature. However, in most cases users do not use the default name offered by the operating system and they need to rename the object to best fit their requirements and industry standards (if they are working in any production environment). You can rename any object Windows 7 by following the steps given as below:
1 Right click on the object which you want to rename.
2 From the appeared menu click on Rename option.

3 The entire name of the object will be highlighted and will be converted into an editable text.
4 You can start typing the new name for the object directly and press enter key once you are done with it.

Note: You can also press F2 key after selecting the object to directly go to step 3.