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How to change temp folder location in Windows 7

If you want to free up disk space in Windows 7, you might want to know how to change the temp folder in Windows 7 to move the temp folder to another partition.

In order to change the temp folder, you should know how to change environment variables in Windows 7, because the path to the Windows temp folder is one of the system environment variables that you can change!

Read our guide: How to change environment variables in Windows 7

1. Step Open up the environment variables (as described in the guide above)
2. Step At the top it will say something similar to User variables for [username], below find the variables TEMP and TMP. Both variables need to be defined. This is important you need to change BOTH of them or it might not work.

3. Step Select TEMP and click on Edit. Change the relative path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp to something else, e.g. C:\Temp\

4. Step Reboot and your temp folder will change. You can use this method to move the temp folder to another partition and possibly free up some required disk space.