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IDC Expects Windows 8 And Ultrabooks To Bolster PC Market

Analyst firm IDC says Windows 8 and the oncoming of more Ultrabooks carrying the OS might help the slow PC market pick up its pace.

Will Windows 8 And Ultrabooks Help PC Markets Grow?

IDC recently released another report on the PC market and how Windows 8 and Ultrabooks might finally become the factor that speeds up the slow growth levels. 2012 has been the second consecutive year that has been plagued with slow growth that fell below 2% and lower sales for the PC market. IDC cited various economic reasons along with the consumer’s (current) wait and see attitude. Most of the consumer base has now completely stopped buying anything in anticipation of Windows 8 and its plethora of new devices. Besides these factors, one much also remember that the PC Market currently lacks a driving mobile segment. And it has been shown often enough in the recent past that people are more interested in replacing their notebooks, netbooks and even desktops with tablets. More specifically, the iPad.

So the world’s most popular tablet is also effectively eating out of the PC market’s pie, slowing it down even further. So it is understandable why manufacturers and analysts are all eagerly awaiting to see what Windows 8 can deliver for the market. It is by far the biggest launch for the PC industry in recent memory, surpassing even Windows 98. It completely changes how Windows is used and perceived and also ties in all device platforms. Put together, it will surely push a lot of PC devices in the market just with the hype that has been generated around the OS.

IDC says the increase might actually be fractional but it will definitely be a boost. The research director at IDC, David Daoud said the US (PC) markets would continue to be depressed till Windows 8 is launched and a whole new array of Ultrabooks and other devices flood the market. Analyst Jay Chou said the combination of Windows 8 and Ultrabook is a good one and could push the growth upwards. However, Windows 8 still has some barriers to overcome before it gets there.