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New Apps And App Store Will Drive Success, If They Take Off

Analysts say Windows RT will work if the apps are available, a perhaps unsurprising statement considering Microsoft is pushing the Windows Store as a key part of the experience.

Microsoft is currently incentivising developers through schemes like setting a minimum app price and offering cross-platform app development – will that work?

If you’re think of developing apps for Windows then developing for an operating system called Windows seems like a no-brainer. Analysts are still skeptical over the app development, perhaps understandable considering Windows 8 isn’t available widely.

Moor Insights & Strategy analyst Patrick Moorhead said the first impressions matter, and the Windows Store doesn’t offer the apps users might find on iOS or Android. Developers have access to the release to manufacturing build of Windows 8, so Microsoft wants a good range of quality of apps available when the October date comes around.

When I think about switching platform I always think about one question: what are the apps like? Specifically I’ll ask if NatWest is available and probably Google Chrome considering how it’s better than Safari (just).

Development Potential

Analysts added the problem isn’t moving to the Modern UI, probably the most consistent problem according to the vocal fans, it’s finding the must-have app. For me the must-have apps will be from Xbox Live; not ports, a problem Nintendo’s Wii U is suffering from, instead original titles. If Microsoft can find a way to get developers promoting games through Xbox Live’s Summer of Arcade then I’m very excited to see the gaming possibilities for Windows 8. And is I can connect my Xbox 360 controller then I’ll be even happier.

My feeling is that even if negativity surfaces around Windows 8 during launch this is ultimately Windows. It seems too early for developers to abandon the platform considering the huge install base Windows 8 will see. It may see a drop with users staying on Windows 8; however, I’m confident we’ll be seeing the hundreds of millions.

The feeling is enterprise will move to Windows 7 as support for Windows XP ends in 2014. It may be difficult for employees to get used to Modern UI.

Windows 8 launches October 26.