How To Guides Org

Request Tutorials

We have over 400 tutorials (and way over 400 themes) on our site, some short, some long, mostly with pictures and they are usually very detailed step-by-step guides. However, we can’t cover everything, but would like to help you with your Windows 7 related problems, that’s why you can now request tutorials.


1. Step Tutorial requests are free, but there is no obligation that the tutorial will be written at any time
2. Step It can take from 1 hour up to several days until we finish your tutorial
3. Step We will give more common problems a priority so we can help as many people as possible
4. Step Question should be Windows 7 or at least Windows related. This is not a Linux site. A Linux how-to site is currently WIP.

Because this is site about customizing Windows 7, questions how to customize Windows 7 are more than welcome. We will be adding new tutorials how to change the progress bar color and others soonish.