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Shadow of Mordor: Fix Black Screen, “Application was unable to start correctly”, SLI Crashes

Shadow of Mordor is out and users have been reporting various problems with SLI and black screens. Here are a few solutions

Fix Your SLI Profile (Change SLI rendering mode)

If you are using SLI, you may receive errors messages when launching the game. If you use Nvidia cards, go into your Nvidia Control Panel and enable

Switch to Force alternate frame rendering 2 (SLI rendering mode)

If that doesn’t work, change the entire SLI profile. Open the Nvidia Inspector and find Shadow of Mordor. You can add an applications to your profile: Select Far Cry 3 or Fear 3 and apply it.

Application was unable to start correctly

If you receive an error that the game was unable to start, you should check your tray for programs like Fraps, AutoHotkey or similar tools.

Close those programs.

It is a good practice to close all programs in your tray and enable them one by one to see what is causing the problem

AMD cards + FRAPS seem to be working fine on my end, but you should still give it a try.

Black Screen Issues

Disable all of your “fancy” tools e.g. your overclocking tools.

UNTESTED: If that doesn’t work, go into the game folder and delete any vib files.

Backup all files in \SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\ShadowOfMordor\game\cinematics and delete any vib files

Improve General Performance

Make sure Vsync is disabled:

We will check the game folders for a few more tweaks and let you know if we find anything.

If you happen to come across an error that is not listed, please be so kind and post a comment below so we can inspect it.