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Top 10 Movies for the Weekend!

Nothing to do? Looking for a good movie, but you can’t seem to find a good one. Here are the TOP10 films that you simply have to watch on the weekend.

10. Blade Runner

A very old movie, yet it’s totally entertaining to watch Harrison Ford chase replicants.

9. Conan: The Barbarian

Schwarzenegger simply rocks, you simply have to love his dialect.

8. Pan’s labyrinth

The only movie with a serious topic on this list. Won 6 oscars.

7. Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

Seen Snatch or Crank? You will love this one!

6. Pandorum

Sci-fi horror on a new level. Challenges Event Horizon for #1 Sci-fi Horror movie.

5. Snatch

I don’t have to say anything about this one, do I? Just watch it.

4. Event Horizon

You better don’t watch this if you’re easily scared . I didn’t know that Sam Neill can be so frightening!

3. The Shining

Stanley Kuckrick’s masterpiece.

2. Oldboy

Not many people know this one, but it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen lately. Storytelling: 10/10 points.

1. As good as it gets

Jack Nicholson’s best movie ever. You’ll be rolling on the floor laughing and crying at the same time.

Post some movies that you would recommend everyone to watch at least once!