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How to uninstall Drivers on Windows 7?

Learn how to properly uninstall drivers on Windows 7. Also recommended: DriverSweep

Windows 7 being new to a number of people from around the world has created sophistications of different levels. There are some issues that can be catered pretty easily. Amongst one of them is Uninstalling a Driver in Windows 7. Here is how you can do that.

1. StepRight Click on “Computer” icon either on the Start Menu or on the Desktop to see the options menu. Click on “Properties” at the end of the list.

2. StepFrom the Properties page, locate Device Manager on the left Panel.

3. StepDevice Manager in Windows 7 lists the entire Hardware components attached to your machine. It lists every hardware in your Computer.

4. StepLocate the Hardware Component you wish to uninstall. In my case, it is the “Generic USB Hub”

5. StepRight click on the Hardware Component and Select Uninstall Driver from the bottom of the list. It will ask you to confirm the uninstall through a warning.

6. StepThis is it. The uninstall will show you no screen on uninstalling the device and you will be taken back to the device manager that will list each item less the item whose driver is uninstalled.

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