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What Storage Medium To Backup Files ?

You know you should back up your computer files regularly but what is the best medium to use?

Remember to Back Up Files Regularly

Backing up files is one of the most important but yet often overlooked tasks. It’s one of those things where you don’t realize just how important it can be until something happens, by then of course it might be too late.

Where you backup your files ,the medium you use is just as important as the task itself.

Here are some of the options to consider before backing up your files!

1 – CD/DVD/Blu Ray

Once a very popular storage medium. DVD has generally replaced CD for back up while BluRay is starting to replace DVD due to larger memory capacity.

Pros – Good for distributing as an expendable storage, such as giving to others to keep. Useful on specific devices like game consoles.

Cons – Limited storage. Requires reader. Files are vulnerable to degradation over time. Time consuming transfer process

2-USB Sticks

A very portable storage medium small in size. USB drives are durable due to no moving components inside. Offering a variety of memory sizes upto 1TB larger memory sized USB sticks can increase significantly in cost compared to other hardware with the same space.

Pros – Great portability and travelling ease. Able to work with all computers.

Cons – Larger memory needs can cost a lot more.

3-Memory Card

Many different types of memory card exist with the most popular being SD. These are extremely portable – the size of a large coin – while newer technology can offer file sizes up to 2TB.

Pros – Best portability and durability. Smallest in hand storage media currently available.

Cons – Requires a specific card reader to read files from not all devices will have one.

4-External Hard Drive

Ease of use with large storage space at cheap costs. A good amount of portability and durability they can be more vulnerable due to size and inner components. Connecting via USB cable offers a large amount of connectivity with fast data transfer speeds.

Pros – Large memory storage capacity. Cheaper cost.

Cons – Not the most portable or durable form.

5-Online Storage

‘Cloud Storage’ lets you store your files safely online without the need for local hardware. With your files being stored in the cloud remotely you do not need to carry any hardware in person as you access online. While the costs can vary so can the memory space.

Pros – No need for hardware. Some providers offer unlimited storage.

Cons – Slow transfer times for large files. Access is reliant on internet connection. Monthly/Yearly fees.