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Windows 7: Facial Recognition Software

A facial recognition software for Windows 7 can help you to secure your PC or create “perfect” photos of yourself. There aren’t many providers of facial recognition software, but I finally found a good one.

If you want to say bye-bye to the old traditional way to log into your computer via password, then you might want to try this!
All you need for this is a webcam and Windows 7 or Windows Vista x32. Windows 64-bit systems are currently not supported, but I will let you know as soon as they will add support for it.

Facial recognition could also be an interesting solution for your company. If your workers can’t remember their passwords, if you want to enhance your security, because your company is dealing with sensible data and information, then this is definitely a great alternative to passwords.


One of the leading providers of facial recognition software is Brillertek. Their software “FaceAether” works on Windows Vista and Windows 7.

FaceAether Features:

It’s pretty strange, but I can’t seem to find a way to purchase the software other than a korean store:

So if you want to buy FaceAether, you should contact Brillertek directly or via Facebook.

Link: FaceAether Facial Recognition Software

Luxand: Blink – Facial Recognition Software for Vista

Another great software to login via facial recognition is “Blink”. As of right now it’s only working with Windows Vista 32-bit, but I am sure that it will soon be available for Windows 7!

Link: Blink Facial Recognition Software