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Windows 8 App Used To Virtually Control Locks And Sirens On A Car

Developers at Modularis have made a great new Windows 8 App that can be used on a tablet for controlling a car’s door locks, siren, lights and more, remotely.

Modularis MOD1 Windows 8 App remote Controls Your Car’s Functions

Modularis is a company that is better known for its work with enterprise, federal and OEM automation projects. However, this time they chose to build a Windows 8 app as a project for the Worldwide Public Safety Symposium that was taking place at Microsoft’s campus at Redmond. This app is part of a control system that automates several features of the car and allows the user to trigger them remotely through a Windows 8 device.

The app can turn on lights, unlock and open doors, switch the siren on and off and some more. It is also a Windows Azure based project, which is shown off in the apps ability to download data from several cars and then determining location through GPS.

The app is still under development but it works reasonably well to ensure that users have full remote access to their cars using only a Windows 8 tablet. In a video posted by GeekWire, the app is shown to have a quick response time.

Apps of these kinds are what Microsoft is planning work on for their automobile automation ideas. Microsoft wants to work on several different areas with Windows, especially now that Windows 8 is so close to maturing. Automobile is a significantly important area where intelligent cars are already hitting the road thanks to efforts from Ford and others.

There are in fact already self-driven cars being tested out on the roads and most of them are doing a very good job of maintain speed limits and doing parallel parking. Microsoft’s goal is more lifestyle oriented where the car’s intelligent system will be just another extension of your Windows-based digital existence.