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How to disable automatic restart in Windows 7?

If you want to analyze the blue screen error codes, you need to know how to disable automatic restart in Windows 7. Get step-by-step instructions or download our registry keys.

Error codes explained
You should definitely get this program that will explain blue screen error codes. If you want to become an advanced Windows 7 user, you should also learn how to open DMP files. DMP files are debugging files that contain valuable system crash information.

But now let’s first disable the automatic restart.

Disable Automatic Restart via Registry (manual)

1. Step Open up the registry.

2. Step Uncollapse the registry keys [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl]

3. Step Double-click on AutoReboot and change the value from “1” to “0” and click on OK.

4. Optional: make sure that CrashDumpEnabled is not set to “0”. If it is set to 0 your PC won’t save any debug infos and you might have to wait until you get the blue screen again.

Disable Automatic Restart via Registry (auto)

Optionally, you can download our registry keys:

Disable Auto Restart Registry File

Enable Auto Restart Registry File

You can also copy this into a notepad, save it as a .reg file (instead of .txt) and double-click it to add the registry key and disable auto restart in Windows 7:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
