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Freeware: Move Close / Minimize/ Maximize Buttons To Left (Mac Style)

We’re proud to release another great freeware product that will turn Windows 7 into a Mac. This time it’s a program called XLefty, which will move all close/minimize/maximize buttons to the left, including the buttons of Firefox & Co! Portable!

XLefty 1.0 Portable Freeware

XLefty is the name of the freeware that moves the caption buttons to the left side as you might know it from Mac OS X.

Download XLefty 1.0

Only allowed to share if you provide a link to our site. Free for personal use.

XLefty by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


You can start the program minimized on startup. Another very handy option is “Apply left buttons only to foreground window”. What does it do? It moves the caption buttons (close/minimize/maximize) only for the currently active windows in the foreground!

This freeware is included in our Mac Theme (Download) and is an essential tool that is required to turn Windows 7 into a Mac.

Other Freeware

Free iPad Theme 1.1
Shortcut Installer 1.0
Windows 7 Theme Installer 0.7 (Beta)

We are currently working on updates for the Shortcut Installer and the Theme Installer. Release Dates: Q4 2010