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Speed Up Your Internet Connection Part 2: Fix Slow Video And Youtube Buffering

We rely on the internet every day to browse the net or watch streams. If your connection is slow you may have problems with the video buffering. Here are a few ways to speed it up

If you missed part 1 and use an old CPU, read it here

Use Our Free Tool (Beta)

We have developed a tool to speed up your internet connection – SpeedUpTheInternet V2.4

1 Speeding Up Youtube Buffering via Extension

One of the easiest ways to improve the buffering is to use an extension that can notify you when the buffer is done. It is important to learn how fast your connection is and then figure out how long you should pause your video and let it download the video in the background before you press play

This is annoying so you can use an extension that will notify you:

When the video is buffered completely you will get a message. You can also use the extension to change the default video quality, very handy!

2 Flash: Disable Hardware Extension

Depending on your system, your graphic card may have issues with hardware acceleration. If you have an outdated laptop then you should try to disable it

Open a page with a Flash video and right-click directly on the video and click Settings

Now uncheck the box “Enable hardware acceleration” and click Close

3 NETSH Trick To Avoid Slow Cached Youtube Video From Your ISP

Mitch Ribar posted an interesting net sh tweak that you can try if your believe your ISP sucks. This code will prevent your ISP from delivering a possibly slow cached version of a Youtube video and instead Youtube will deliver the video directly. A lot of other users visit Youtube and your ISP may cache this video so it can serve it faster in theory. The problem is that your ISP may be slower than Google when delivering a cached version.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="BlockYoutubeCache" dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes

4 Your DNS Provider Sucks!

Generally speaking videos do not require a fast DNS, because the browser is retrieving the video from an IP in the background but you can give it a try nonetheless if your connection is slow in general when loading a video page for the first time and see if there is a difference on the first video load

You can change your DNS provider using our free lite tool, download it here

Related: Part 1 and 2

Read Part 1: Enable DCA for Old CPU’s

Speed Up Planetside 2

On Youtube