We have been hard at work to update our online rapidshare premium link generator! It’s clearly the most stable premium link generator out there by now and working very well. Link:Rapidshare Premium Account Generator

Online Rapidshare Premium Link Generator 2010

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We already received a lot of feedback and have added 3 new rapidshare premium accounts that will only work for you!
Now we are looking for ideas to improve our service and make it the most well-known link generator for rapidshare!

What should a link generator be able to do? We thought about adding simultaneous downloads, but this would probably make the generator useless, because people would exploit it and download too much at once. We decided that our first feature is going to be a lit of the top-downloaders. All the top-downloaders will receive a reward every month. That would definitely be a greta feature for our online generator.

What other ideas do you have for our rapidshare premium link generator? Please send us the your suggestions to [email protected]!

Thank you very much and happy FAST downloading!