If you like the Windows 7 glass and aero effects, you will love the following package that includes 14 Windows 7 glass gadgets. Included in the package are some of the most useful desktop gadgets, like a sticky notes gadget, weather gadget and desktop radio player.

Windows 7 Glass gadgets

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Gadget Pack

Windows 7 Aero Glass Gadgets

Included are the following Windows 7 gadgets:

  • Aero Calendar
  • Aero Clock
  • Aero Control (Drive Info)
  • Aero CPU Meter
  • Aero Email Gadget
  • Aero Netbars (Download Monitor)
  • Aero Netstats (Network Meter)
  • Aero Sticky Notes Gadget (white + colour)
  • Aero Radio Gadget
  • Aero Recycle Bin
  • Aero Uptime Gadget
  • Aero Weather Gadget

I pretty much like all the gadgets. One gadget is not working properly depending on your timezone, the uptime gadget. If you are looking for a fix for it, read this post: Windows 7 Uptime gadget. Also, if you are looking for another calendar gadget, try this calendar gadget.

The sticky notes gadget is definitely one of the best gadgets of that package together with the desktop radio. You can download the complete package of all 14 Windows 7 Gadgets here: