Happy Easter guys. We’re giving away 3 copies of Bioshock 2, 3 copies of Portal and 1 copy of Minecraft. All you have to do is to post a comment after the break why YOU should get a copy – be creative, post your Minecraft creations, Bioshock 1 screenshots or anything else entertaining.
How To Qualify :
Do 1 out of the following 3 things:
- Post a meaningful comment, this can be your favorite wallpaper, a screenshot, a Minecraft creation. Be creative
- Or Upload a Windows 7 themepack to our site
- Or Post a Link On Your Website to http://windows7themes.net And Post The Link To Your Site Below
Is This Giveaway Real?
We’re regularly having great giveaways on our site like our last Minecraft giveaway
Yes, here’s the proof:
We’re still having a bunch of Lead and Gold games from the last giveaway. If one of the winners already has all of the mentioned games, there will be a few alternatives to pick from, including Trine and Lead & Gold.
When Does The Easter Giveaway End?
The giveaway ends on May 22th 2011 – we’re accepting submissions until May 21th
There isn’t really a reason why I deserve the games, but I would very much like to own them. I’ve played portal and minecraft classic, but I have never played Bioshock. I have heard it’s quite good though. From the videos I have seen of Minecraft, it looks like a great game and I would love to have my own copy as I only have the free classic version.
just going to comment here.
minecraft – by far best sandbox game ive played nothing like it especially with all the mods there.
bioshock 2 – not played but seen parts and looks totally awesome id love a go on that.
portal – i love the game but ive never played only seen it through love to play it.
with minecraft i was on a map known as “escapecraft 2” by a little messing about i managed to find the cake shown at the begining but was ment to be unobtainable but i got there ;D i would screenshot it if i knew how to upload it here. i intend to find many little secrets with each game i play.
I’ve scoured the internet for days trying to find game giveaways for Minecraft or Portal 2 i have even put a special image in for minecraft (Minecraft Username: Epic_Legend1337)
Minecraft – I’ve been playing on the free internet version since alpha came out and anyother places I could a gift code would ask for my phone number, I cannot buy the game for my self as im to young ( And yes im serious im 13 ) I’ve seen my friends play it and they’ve teased me so You would make a child like me Very Very Very Happy :D!

And also a little song
Sun Light, Beautiful light, all is calm, all is bright,
No Bad mobs will spawn under thee,
Do not fear unwelcome company,
Mine in Heavenly peace,
Mine in Heavenly peace!
Sun light, Beautiful light, Skeletons quake at the sight,
Set ablaze by the glorious day,
Most nasties are burned away,
Cows and pigs will spawn,
Cows and pigs will spawn!
Sun light, Beautiful light, effective on many, but still one fright,
The worst monsters in found in the game,
Yes, creepers have to be slain,
Mine in heavenly peace,
Mine in heavenly peace!
Portal – I’ve asked my brother to get me the first portal but when I installed it simply crashed and I couldnt run my Steam. The advertisments are torture its like being pecked at by a pheonix every day just to be reborn and pecked at again (It happend in god of war) Portal :D –0 0->
Bioshock 2 – Well I dont have a good excuse for this game so i’ll simply say I already have it and I want to give it to one of my friends as he just figured out that you could play games on computers ( im serious )