If you are searching for the best alternative to Windows Live Messenger, then you have to choose any of the following greatest programs to get a great advantage.

Windows Live Messenger is a great instant message program but its latest iterations haven’t been performing well. Users have been complaining about discarded features, slow connections and changes small and large alike that disrupt the IM experience. However, you do not have to limit yourself as there are several great alternatives to Windows Live Messenger. Take the time to consider some of the following and see which one proves the most appealing.

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1) Skype


Skype is considered by many to be a better alternative when compared to others. It can function as a pure IM program if all you want to do is exchange chat messages but you also have the option for audio calls and video calls – all for free! You can video chat with any of your contacts even if you are on the go if you have Skype installed in your tablet or smart phone. The only limitation is that you can only enjoy the services with other Skype users. If the person you want to chat with isn’t on Skype, they will have to make an account first. Still, with Skype becoming more and more popular, it is almost impossible to pass this one up.

2) Trillian


If you had to choose amongst alternatives to Windows Live Messenger, it would be pretty difficult not to go with Trillian. Trillian is a free IM program that allows you to chat with anyone from any IM client. That means you can chat with them even if they are using Skype, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, and even some email services (IMAP as well as POP3). Of course, this means your list of contacts will look like a cluttered mess at first but luckily, you can customize everything such as showing only the contacts from a certain IM client. You can even use customized emoticons. This all makes Trillian the most complex and yet most convenient IM software to utilize.

3) Digsby


Lastly, amongst these alternatives to Windows Live Messenger is Digsby. Digsby is another multiple IM client like Trillian but this one focuses more on the user interface, allowing you to customize it in any way you want. This makes it possible for you to change how the interface looks and feels. As for its chatting services, you can also use it to hook up to social networks like Google +, Facebook, and Twitter. It’s not as robust as Trillian but it does get the job done and is a nice feature to add in some customization for the user.

Skype might look like it is on the losing end when it comes to the different alternatives to Windows Live Messenger but it does have one major advantage – it is available on almost every platform out there. You will find it on tablets, smart phones, computers, and even on gaming devices like the PSP and Vita. Trillian and Digsby have their benefits as well, mostly the ability to collect all your contacts from every IM client you use all on one IM service.