If you want to convert audio files e.g. WAV to MP3 you will often find over-priced software that sometimes doesn’t even work on Windows 7. But there are also some lightweight freeware converter for Windows 7 that allow you to convert from WAV to MP3.

Freeware WAV to MP3 Converter

Tip: Use our free Youtube converter to convert Youtube videos to MP3!

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Actually, most sites I find nowadays that offer a free WAV converter are filled with shareware priced at $30-40. Of course there’s a market for such software, but when you keep looking you’ll find free software like Shuangs WAV to MP3 converter.

Convert multiple WAV files to MP3
Easy to use

Only converts WAV to MP3
Does not convert MP3 to WAV

If you need a free WAV converter only to convert your WAV files to MP3, so that you can listen to them on your iPod or other devices, this is a simple tool that will get the job done.

Convert WAV to MP3 Windows 7 Freeware

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Download WAV to MP3 Converter Windows 7