Some new leaked Windows 8 screenshots appeared on the net, showing the new Windows 8 app store. It’s rumored to be a fake. Here are some more details on the new app store leak.

Windows 8 Apps In The App Store

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Windows 8 App Store With Minimalistic UI?

The leaked screenshots show a very minimalistic app store UI. Obviously, we’re at a rather early stage and it will be still some time until we can check out the app store.

Also, I’d rather have a simple and intuitive design than a complex one. Let’s take a look at the rumored app store screenshot:
windows 8 leaked app store

“Windows 8” Apps Listed In The App Store

  • Internet Explorer
  • AngryBirds
  • Office 2010
  • Security Essentials
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
  • Opera 11
  • Chess
  • FreeCell
  • Mahjong

The list of apps is also a reason why some speculate that this leaked Windows 8 screenshot is a fake, because of Windows 7 and Office 2010. However, this could very well be a placeholder.

Also, Microsoft made sure that AngryBirds was available on the Windows Phone 7 as soon as possible, so it would make sense to include the app in a concept as well, along with all the other top apps that Microsoft provides for free, including Security Essentials and all of the Windows games.

The app store interface closely resembles the UI of the iTunes store, with it’s own tab for “Downloading” and “Downloaded” items.

Could The App Store Screenshot Be A Fake?

Many also claim that the screenshot is a fake because Microsoft would already be using the fancy Metro UI for the app store, wouldn’t they? Especially, if they plan to put it on the upcoming Windows 8 phones .

I guess we will find out sooner or later. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a simple UI, but I very much like the Metro UI and can’t find a reason why they wouldn’t use it for the app store as well!